On Monday I got an email that kind of rocked my world... and not in a good way. It was from a friend who is a web-series talk show host. She is going to be interviewing a Mother who recently lost her 12yr old daughter (Brianna Canacari) to suicide. When I read the press on this story I immediately felt my stomach turn, as a Mom I was devastated. It also hit me hard, because at 17 I also tried to take my life. All the memories of my teen years came flooding back. I remembered the feelings of not being good enough, nobody understanding who I was, and the feeling that nobody cares. I remembered how I had planned my funeral and even how I wanted to be dressed in my casket, I had it all on paper. At the time I think I felt invisible and I wanted to matter... if I was gone, maybe people would finally notice I was overlooked. I wanted to be my own person, and finding out who I wanted to be, but still had to rely on my parents and follow the rules. Every emotion was so intense; I remember those days like it was yesterday. I am so thankful that I was unsuccessful in the attempt to take my life. I didn't really see death as permanent. I didn't think of the proms and graduations I'd miss... being a bride and now a parent. I couldn't at that time in my life fathom the joy of these experiences, and that's why they were so easy to dismiss in my times of depression.
In Brianna's story I read something that struck me. She had put a post on her Myspace page in March that said something like "suicide was the only way", and her mother deemed that as NOT a sign her child was asking for help. Granted she didn't know about the post till after her daughter's death... but how could she not see that as a sign? Brianna's Mom seemed to be a bubbly and positive woman that worked hard and loved her family. If her child was looking for help, she seemed like to type to run to her rescue... so how did she miss this?
Then, I started to look at my own life and how I am living so much for myself right now... could I have missed it? I feel so wrapped up in how many miles I've run, or how I'm going to get dinner on the table before I have to go to a training session. I am constantly reminding myself to stay positive and focused... it's exhausting. And at the end of the day, when my daughter asks me to snuggle with her or read a story before bed, I admit... sometimes I've been too wrapped up emails, phone calls, and ME that I forget. My little angel is only 4 yrs old and full of forgiveness, but someday she'll notice that Mommy wasn't there, and Brianna's story helped me to remember that.
We as parents often envision this evil man lurking in the bushes waiting to take our children from us, so we prepare them for dealing with strangers. We make sure they say NO to drugs, but where is the awareness of suicide? We never think something like this could happen,but the truth is it happens more often than you think. Nationwide, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says suicide is the third leading cause of death for youth ages 10 to 24. About 4,500 youths are lost each year.
I have to be honest, at first I was not happy with the broad stage Brianna's mother was taking in sharing her daughter's death. Suicide is something that people don't talk about. People see suicide as shameful and if you're religious... an unforgivable sin. Then I realized how important it is that Brianna did not die in vein. I commend her mother for sharing her daughter's story. By doing this, she is raising awareness, and maybe another child's life will be saved. It's so important that we are a part of our children's lives (and not the other way around). We need to let them know they are never alone. They just want to be heard and we must be the ones to listen.
If you, or a loved one is having thoughts of suicide please seek help.
Safe2Tell at 877-542-SAFE (7233).
You never know if they're serious until it's too late.
Worst Cooks in America Season 1 contestant Sophia Ayala Gettys is no longer a bad cook and looking for REDEMPTION! With healthy home cooking and training for the ING NYC MARATHON, this stay at home Mom is working to be the woman she's always dreamed of! Healthy Confidence is the key!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Buried In Her Own Body: 450 lbs to Freedom!
Hey guys! This week I’m going to start shaking it up a bit. Since I’ve started this blog I’ve wanted to make it a place where anyone can come and learn MY journey to a better me. ( Speaking of… I ran my personal longest run of 10 miles this weekend! WOOO!) It’s been great, but at times I feel a bit narcissistic, because I know there are lots of journeys out there that are just as derserving to be shared!
Every last Sunday of the month I want to give you the opportunity to meet other Mom’s out there trying to not only make it in the world of business and family… but also Mother’s dealing with the ups and downs of self image, weight and health. Since I myself am dealing with these issues I feel that it’s important to get as many perspectives on the topics at possible, because something that touches me, may not hit you the same way.

Hi Sandra! Thanks so much for doing this interview, I can’t wait to share your story with my readers, so let’s get started!
Sophia: First off, I was so excited to hear that you are a fellow runner! What made you want to run?What race did you do? How long did you train? What did you do to prepare?
Kelley: Being obese all of my life I would go to bed at night and dream of the ability to run. I often wondered what it would feel like, the exhilaration of the movement. As I began to lose weight I do so first by walking then by running. I started off small; when I exercised I would go outside and run literally from one mailbox to another. I couldn’t go any further at the time. But after time and consistency I was able to run further as my body became stronger. I decided to run a 5K and at the time I weighed 350 pounds. My goal was to One-finish by running the entire way and Two-not to be the last person to complete the race. I achieved both and it is a feeling I will never forget. I suggest train daily, stay focused, and just remember to do the very best you can. The sensation of being with all the other runners, the smells, the adrenaline there is nothing like it. I will remember it always. It’s a rush like no other. Take in everything and just appreciate the opportunity you have to just have the ability to run the race. Enjoy it!!
Sophia: Great work! I’m ready to go out and run! How much does exercise impact your daily and continued success with maintaining or even losing weight today?
Kelley: It is essential. I tell clients, and those I speak with at conferences as well as my radio show that exercise must become like breathing.
Sophia: You’ve done so well with keeping the weight off, has being a mentor to others helped you to do this? Do you feel you are supposed to help others, or is this something that has just comes natural?
Kelley: Yes, I feel that God saved me from obesity so that I could help others and let them know they can lose the weight. Because of my weight loss I have been given the opportunity to begin my life again.
Sophia: The name of your blog is TOUCH 52:11. Is this a biblical reference or a date?
Kelley: Yes!!! It stands for Taking Over Unwanted Character Hurts-I chose the word TOUCH because as an obese person people rarely wanted to touch or embrace me. At my conferences I will always embrace those who come. I want them to know that they are all beautiful to me. 52:11 comes from the scripture Isaiah 52:11, this is the scripture God gave to me to describe the assignment he has chose for me.
Sophia: Sandra who were you at your heaviest and how did you feel about yourself?

Sophia: You’re a mother now; did your weight affect your child? Was your child a reason for more weight gain? Or even weight loss?
Kelley: I actually lost over 200 pounds before I became pregnant with my now 9 year old son which I must say is a blessing within itself. I had my son Malcolm in 2000. At the time I was in a very abusive marriage and after my son was born my depression, insecurity, and bad eating habits returned. From my son’s birth until he was about 3 years old I also suffered from postpartum depression. It was a horrible time in my life. I eventually gained all 200 pounds back.
Sophia: Wow, I’m so sorry… but you’ve obviously “got back on the wagon”! That’s a huge testament to your passion for health. It’s so easy to be thrown off with life’s hardships and obstacles. I still find myself knee deep in emotional eating, it’s like an addiction sometimes. Hearing your response to having a setback after losing 200 lbs is heartbreaking… but these weight loss pics are AMAZING! I congratulate you on your success! Do you want to continue to lose weight or have you reached your goal?
Sophia: You had surgery in 97, this was before it was as common as it is now… 200 lbs later do you feel that it was still the right choice?
Kelley: The only choice. In 1997 the gastric bypass/weight lost surgery was done behind closed doors. It was a very evasive surgery at the time. I still have the markings from the surgery. I was cut from my navel to my breast bone. It is a badge of honor; I don’t regret it AT ALL. I got my life back.
Sophia: Do you think that taking the road of weight loss surgery was “easier” than trying to lose the weight with just diet changes and exercise?
Kelley: I often convey that having the surgery is the hardest thing you can do if you are trying to lose weight. Many people think that once you have the surgery the weight comes off and everything is perfect. They don’t understand that you must deal with the emotional aspect of loosing masses amount of weight, dealing with the attitudes of family and friends who may support you at the beginning, but who can often become negative as you continue to loose weight and gain confidence. This was the only plan for me because I had done every diet and because of my size I couldn’t exercise. Having the surgery was the best decision for me. If I wouldn’t have had the surgery I would be either close to 900-1,000 pounds or I would be dead from obesity. I was gaining close to 100 pounds a year.
Sophia: I’ve done a lot of research on weight loss surgery, and I commend your for your courage to take control of your life. I wasn’t able to commit to surgery, but it’s obviously been a blessing for you and I support that 100%. Whether you’ve had surgery or lost the weight other ways, after significant weight loss people can have identity issues because for most of their lives, weight has defined them. How have you been able to accept and embrace the new you? What advice do you have for others dealing with this struggle now?
Kelley: My advice for those who have gone through a huge weight lost is to take it day by day. Embrace the new you, and know that you can begin anew. I have been given a new start on life and I am embracing all that life has to offer.
Sophia: You seem so confident and positive; do you still have those dark days you speak about in your blog?
Kelley: I do have those days, it is an everyday process. I must speak the positive energy into my life every day. I used to have my 450 pounds days, meaning I would look in the mirror and still see myself as severely obese. But I now see myself in the beauty that God has created me. I see the entire me and I love it!!
Sophia: Well said! One last question for you Sandra; what would you like most for people to know about you and T.O.U.C.H. 52:11, INC?
Kelley: I am here to educate society about the world of the severely obese. It is apart of society that many don’t want to address or speak about. There are so many individuals in the homes right now, not able to leave home because of their size, there are many who are reading this interview who are emotional abused everyday from others because of their weight, and there are those who feel like there is no hope for them. I am here to tell them all YOU CAN DO IT!! You can change those habits, thought processes and feelings that you have about yourself. Work towards it everyday. Stay consistent, focused and determined. Your success is waiting on you…Go get it!!!
THANK YOU SANDRA for chatting with me, and sharing your heroic and inspiring story with us today. I know you’ve touched a lot of readers out there. If you’d like more info on Ms. Sandra Kelley and her services please check out her info below!
Sandra Kelley M.S. Education
T.O.U.C.H. 52:11 INC.
Weekly radio show on Blog Talk radio every Tuesday at 8:00pm
If you know of a Mom that deserves a spotlight for her health/fitness success, please tell me their story! email me @ Sophiaayalagettys@gmail.com Thanks for reading and your continued support! XOXO -Sophia
Sunday, July 18, 2010
As I drove up to the motel at 10pm-ish the night before Zooma I felt a slight roll of peace come over me. I made it. I had nothing on my mind but preparing for my next race. My first order of business and my last, was to get in to this room and get in to bed! I checked in quickly and went on up. I hauled all my bags (I’m a girl, yes I had more than one, plus one for food) up 4 floors. I noticed how dingey and it was and as I arrived at my room I got a sense of panic. It was super dark, there were tons of men standing out side just hanging out and I felt like SCARED FEMALE, ALONE was stapled to my forehead. I rushed in to the room and dropped my bags and then tried to lock the door. For some reason it didn’t want to lock. so I pulled it out a bit and THEN it locked. I tried to be cool and not notice that my door was half open but I felt unsafe, so I got my stuff together and went get another room. The hotel attendant said no problem I hauled my stuff to room #2.
Again, a sense of relief came over me and I was excited to get to bed, until I turned around and noticed the lamp on the desk near the door was swarming with little bugs! Totally grossed out, but exhaughsted I figureded I better suck it up. So (as I usually do) I took down the covers and checked the bed for bugs… You can just imagine my face when I see the sheets are stained, a dead rollie pollie under the pillow and then a smashed fly on the other side and a bed bug all waiting to cuddle with me!! Instead of continuing on this “adventure” I decided my car would be much more comfortable. So I got back to the front desk to ask for a refund. Unfortunately for me I bought my room on orbitz so a refund was not an option. I would have to take it up with them if I wanted my money back. I was furious and just as I was about to call orbitz another angry guest approached the front desk. This woman had also just arrived and found blood on her toilet, it wouldn’t flush and like me her door wouldn’t lock without being ajar! At his point I was DONE! The guy offered me another room but I just couldn’t do it. By this time I got the best idea all night and called my bank to cancel the payment to orbitz. ON TO THE BROADMOOR… parking lot that is.
I found a nice spot right next to the race start and settled in to my seat. I decided to turn on some talk radio to get my mind off the prior events and relax. It was only a few minutes later that I realized I was listening to Coast to Coast, a show where the host talks about all things PARANORMAL! Usually this is one of my favorite topics, but not when I’m sitting in my car… alone… at 2am and unfamiliar wilderness all around me! The topic was about a big black dog with red eyes that people report seeing before bad things happen. I was freaking out because, I sweaer I saw this dog last week! So by this point I’m so intrigued in the conversation that I can’t turn it off. I’m so scared I can’t close my eyes and I have this nagging feeling to look out in to the dark night. I finally gave in and realized I was parked next to a church! I calmed for only a second because as I lay back down, I got a glimpse of a GIANT CAT looking thing running across the street right towards my car! I threw myself back and rolled on to my side in the fetal position. I was ready to just pack up and go home when at about 2:30am I finally turn off the radio. I returned to the fetal position, covered my head with a shirt from a my bag and finally drift off to sleep.
5:00 am came fast and I was awaken by the rising sun and event workers preparing for the race! It was time to find a bathroom and change. I was surprisingly perky, drank some water, took my vitamins, and ate 2 bananas and 1 apple. I was ready to face the day with a smile and put my poopy night behind me and then about 2 minutes before the race started I had to go to the bathroom! (I think it was nerves. When I run I have to go 100 times!) So I jump in this never ending line hoping that once the race starts everyone will run for the start and I will be able to get a break! Thank God it works, and I hopped in just as end of the pack pass the start!
My pace was slow but I didn’t care, I was ready to run! I did really well up until I hit this hill. The hill that started off nice and easy, but got steeper and steeper and went on for what felt like forever. Usually for me the first few miles are the hardest, but once I get my pace going I feel like I can do anything! Unfortunately this time the hill was getting to me, and I couldn’t catch my zone. So I got tired and right as I hit the water station I started to walk. I hit the bathroom again and continued walking up the rest of the hill.
At this point I was getting to a bad place with negative self talk and even with all the cheers from on lookers I couldn’t get it going again until I hit the down slope and I felt like a kid in a candy store as I flew down. ”It’s going to be okay” I thought to myself. “I can do this!” Then about 20 runners flew past me! They were at the end of their second lap around the course and the wind was completely let out of my sail. They were so fast! I started asking myself ”why and I even trying to do this?” , “I’ll never be as good as them”, “I don’t belong here”, ”I don’t deserve to be here”… Then I looked at my watch and it was time for a gel, I slammed it and kept on running.
The second lap was good until I hit the hill again. I was already defeated but I knew I wasn’t going to quit. I just had to make it up. So I walk as fast as I can and as I start to approach the water station I take a bad turn. Now I was ready to stop. I was ready to just sit on the side of the road and cry. Then right as as I started to stop I looked up and saw the picture of this little boy on a sign. The caption said that every 10 minutes a person dies of a blood cancer… this station was run by the people of Team in Training. (Team in training raises money for cures for blood cancers like leukemia — the No. 1 disease killer of children – lymphoma and myeloma) I stopped my moment of self pitty and pulled it together. Nothing I am feeling could be as hard to endure as fighting for my life. I came in to the water station, I took one glass of water to drink and the other I poured on to my head! It was ICE COLD and I think my heart even stopped for a second! Whatever it was, I was recharged and ready to get to that finish line. I tried to jog up the hill, but my jog was slower than a few speed walkers so I caught their pace made it up! Finally, I hit the top of the hill and took off! I kept my pace nice and comfortable and made it down with ease. Once I saw the finish I took my pace up a few more notches and ran as fast as I could go. I finished at 1:43 mins. This time was slower than almost everyone there, but I finished and that was my goal. Crossing the finish line felt so amazing ( and I hadn’t caught my breath) I almost caught myself in a panic attack! I calmed down with a slow walk and my run was over.
I finished the day with helping out at the BornFit booth during the after-party:) Lisa and Jamie made it better and I even sold some BornFit product! I love it lol so it wasn’t a hard sale. I had to take an hour nap in ANOTHER PARKING LOT lol on the way home because I was too tired but I feel great today and am looking forward to my next race! I think I’ll do one more 10K before the Bear Chase Half Marathon or 50K Oct 3rd (I’m hoping to do the 50K but if I’m not ready I’ll go with the half marathon).
I battled bugs, a monster hill and myself this weekend and I made it through to the other side. I never knew that there was this Sophia inside of me. I love everything about me right now. I feel like I can do anything and I am so thankful. Life is going to be so different in the next few months… it’s time to step it up! NYC HERE I COME!
I wish I had pics of me at these races. Unfortunately I don’t have anyone there to take any:( So I’ll use this one to decribe how I felt!
Again, a sense of relief came over me and I was excited to get to bed, until I turned around and noticed the lamp on the desk near the door was swarming with little bugs! Totally grossed out, but exhaughsted I figureded I better suck it up. So (as I usually do) I took down the covers and checked the bed for bugs… You can just imagine my face when I see the sheets are stained, a dead rollie pollie under the pillow and then a smashed fly on the other side and a bed bug all waiting to cuddle with me!! Instead of continuing on this “adventure” I decided my car would be much more comfortable. So I got back to the front desk to ask for a refund. Unfortunately for me I bought my room on orbitz so a refund was not an option. I would have to take it up with them if I wanted my money back. I was furious and just as I was about to call orbitz another angry guest approached the front desk. This woman had also just arrived and found blood on her toilet, it wouldn’t flush and like me her door wouldn’t lock without being ajar! At his point I was DONE! The guy offered me another room but I just couldn’t do it. By this time I got the best idea all night and called my bank to cancel the payment to orbitz. ON TO THE BROADMOOR… parking lot that is.
I found a nice spot right next to the race start and settled in to my seat. I decided to turn on some talk radio to get my mind off the prior events and relax. It was only a few minutes later that I realized I was listening to Coast to Coast, a show where the host talks about all things PARANORMAL! Usually this is one of my favorite topics, but not when I’m sitting in my car… alone… at 2am and unfamiliar wilderness all around me! The topic was about a big black dog with red eyes that people report seeing before bad things happen. I was freaking out because, I sweaer I saw this dog last week! So by this point I’m so intrigued in the conversation that I can’t turn it off. I’m so scared I can’t close my eyes and I have this nagging feeling to look out in to the dark night. I finally gave in and realized I was parked next to a church! I calmed for only a second because as I lay back down, I got a glimpse of a GIANT CAT looking thing running across the street right towards my car! I threw myself back and rolled on to my side in the fetal position. I was ready to just pack up and go home when at about 2:30am I finally turn off the radio. I returned to the fetal position, covered my head with a shirt from a my bag and finally drift off to sleep.
5:00 am came fast and I was awaken by the rising sun and event workers preparing for the race! It was time to find a bathroom and change. I was surprisingly perky, drank some water, took my vitamins, and ate 2 bananas and 1 apple. I was ready to face the day with a smile and put my poopy night behind me and then about 2 minutes before the race started I had to go to the bathroom! (I think it was nerves. When I run I have to go 100 times!) So I jump in this never ending line hoping that once the race starts everyone will run for the start and I will be able to get a break! Thank God it works, and I hopped in just as end of the pack pass the start!
My pace was slow but I didn’t care, I was ready to run! I did really well up until I hit this hill. The hill that started off nice and easy, but got steeper and steeper and went on for what felt like forever. Usually for me the first few miles are the hardest, but once I get my pace going I feel like I can do anything! Unfortunately this time the hill was getting to me, and I couldn’t catch my zone. So I got tired and right as I hit the water station I started to walk. I hit the bathroom again and continued walking up the rest of the hill.
At this point I was getting to a bad place with negative self talk and even with all the cheers from on lookers I couldn’t get it going again until I hit the down slope and I felt like a kid in a candy store as I flew down. ”It’s going to be okay” I thought to myself. “I can do this!” Then about 20 runners flew past me! They were at the end of their second lap around the course and the wind was completely let out of my sail. They were so fast! I started asking myself ”why and I even trying to do this?” , “I’ll never be as good as them”, “I don’t belong here”, ”I don’t deserve to be here”… Then I looked at my watch and it was time for a gel, I slammed it and kept on running.
The second lap was good until I hit the hill again. I was already defeated but I knew I wasn’t going to quit. I just had to make it up. So I walk as fast as I can and as I start to approach the water station I take a bad turn. Now I was ready to stop. I was ready to just sit on the side of the road and cry. Then right as as I started to stop I looked up and saw the picture of this little boy on a sign. The caption said that every 10 minutes a person dies of a blood cancer… this station was run by the people of Team in Training. (Team in training raises money for cures for blood cancers like leukemia — the No. 1 disease killer of children – lymphoma and myeloma) I stopped my moment of self pitty and pulled it together. Nothing I am feeling could be as hard to endure as fighting for my life. I came in to the water station, I took one glass of water to drink and the other I poured on to my head! It was ICE COLD and I think my heart even stopped for a second! Whatever it was, I was recharged and ready to get to that finish line. I tried to jog up the hill, but my jog was slower than a few speed walkers so I caught their pace made it up! Finally, I hit the top of the hill and took off! I kept my pace nice and comfortable and made it down with ease. Once I saw the finish I took my pace up a few more notches and ran as fast as I could go. I finished at 1:43 mins. This time was slower than almost everyone there, but I finished and that was my goal. Crossing the finish line felt so amazing ( and I hadn’t caught my breath) I almost caught myself in a panic attack! I calmed down with a slow walk and my run was over.
I finished the day with helping out at the BornFit booth during the after-party:) Lisa and Jamie made it better and I even sold some BornFit product! I love it lol so it wasn’t a hard sale. I had to take an hour nap in ANOTHER PARKING LOT lol on the way home because I was too tired but I feel great today and am looking forward to my next race! I think I’ll do one more 10K before the Bear Chase Half Marathon or 50K Oct 3rd (I’m hoping to do the 50K but if I’m not ready I’ll go with the half marathon).
I battled bugs, a monster hill and myself this weekend and I made it through to the other side. I never knew that there was this Sophia inside of me. I love everything about me right now. I feel like I can do anything and I am so thankful. Life is going to be so different in the next few months… it’s time to step it up! NYC HERE I COME!
I wish I had pics of me at these races. Unfortunately I don’t have anyone there to take any:( So I’ll use this one to decribe how I felt!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Love Love Love… All You Need Is Love!
Saturday, July 3rd, 2010
My heart pounding, my head is throbbing, my body is tingling and my legs are pounding the pavement…I’m in a rhythm that I can’t stop, even if I wanted to… step step step breath… step step step breath… a slow song starts to play on my ipod and I look up. The sun is just stating to blaze, it’s warm and the light is almost golden… all around me are little floating cotton wood clusters and for just a second I wonder if I’m in heaven. I have to shake my head and look down at my watch to shock me back in to reality… I’ve been running for 2 hours and 40 minutes… I’ve almost completed 9 miles, my longest distance to date!
Today I pushed myself farther than I’ve ever pushed myself before. Immediately after the run I could barely walk, lol let alone stand up. I never thought I’d get used to that feeling of complete exhaustion and I’ve NEVER felt this type of “hurts so good” pain, but it’s addicting! They say runners have to be a little crazy to want to push their bodies to it’s limits just to know that they can…I get it now. I’m not the fastest by any stretch of the imagination, but I have had more self confidence growth in these short months of training than I’ve had in my entire life!
Each run I am trapped in my own head for over 2 hours. I am forced to compartmentalize my thoughts and to let my mind wonder. I’ve had a stressful week and during this time it’s only me I have to worry about. Sometimes it’s hard to get to that place of nirvana but when you get there… it’s like walking through a dream! I visualize the crowds cheering me on in NYC, what the streets will look like as I trek though times square and over the Brooklyn bridge… and through Central Park. I think about all the people that have been so supportive on this journey and am so filled with passion and love I get bursts of energy and before I know it I’ve traveled a few more miles. I have never been good at individual sports, but now I see why. I wasn’t a good individual… I didn’t like who I was. Now I enjoy the time I get to be me… no interruptions, just music! Today I was feeling all the love and just as perfect as a soundtrack of my life, the Beatles All You Need is Love came on and I almost started to cry. Needless to say, I was totally feelin it.
Thank you, to each and every person who has helped me to reach this point. I could never be here with out you. If LOVE is all you need, then I can never fail… you know who you are… and I LOVE YOU right back:)
My heart pounding, my head is throbbing, my body is tingling and my legs are pounding the pavement…I’m in a rhythm that I can’t stop, even if I wanted to… step step step breath… step step step breath… a slow song starts to play on my ipod and I look up. The sun is just stating to blaze, it’s warm and the light is almost golden… all around me are little floating cotton wood clusters and for just a second I wonder if I’m in heaven. I have to shake my head and look down at my watch to shock me back in to reality… I’ve been running for 2 hours and 40 minutes… I’ve almost completed 9 miles, my longest distance to date!
Today I pushed myself farther than I’ve ever pushed myself before. Immediately after the run I could barely walk, lol let alone stand up. I never thought I’d get used to that feeling of complete exhaustion and I’ve NEVER felt this type of “hurts so good” pain, but it’s addicting! They say runners have to be a little crazy to want to push their bodies to it’s limits just to know that they can…I get it now. I’m not the fastest by any stretch of the imagination, but I have had more self confidence growth in these short months of training than I’ve had in my entire life!
Each run I am trapped in my own head for over 2 hours. I am forced to compartmentalize my thoughts and to let my mind wonder. I’ve had a stressful week and during this time it’s only me I have to worry about. Sometimes it’s hard to get to that place of nirvana but when you get there… it’s like walking through a dream! I visualize the crowds cheering me on in NYC, what the streets will look like as I trek though times square and over the Brooklyn bridge… and through Central Park. I think about all the people that have been so supportive on this journey and am so filled with passion and love I get bursts of energy and before I know it I’ve traveled a few more miles. I have never been good at individual sports, but now I see why. I wasn’t a good individual… I didn’t like who I was. Now I enjoy the time I get to be me… no interruptions, just music! Today I was feeling all the love and just as perfect as a soundtrack of my life, the Beatles All You Need is Love came on and I almost started to cry. Needless to say, I was totally feelin it.
Thank you, to each and every person who has helped me to reach this point. I could never be here with out you. If LOVE is all you need, then I can never fail… you know who you are… and I LOVE YOU right back:)
Am I Seeing a Pattern Here?
Sunday, June 27th, 2010
When I was 10, my Grandparents took me to an all you can eat buffet called Sir George’s. I will never forget that day, because I learned a valuable lesson about moderation… on this day I ate so much I threw up! In a society where feeling good and instant gratification reigns supreme, and over indulgence is the norm I find myself torn. For me this has come in several different packages and situations…such as food, weight issues, and now with my training! I can’t stop thinking that I’m not doing enough. so I do a little more than I should. When that happens, I am punished with knee pain, exaughston and again I realize that too much of a good thing can be bad.
This was the second week that I have run with the training group Runner’s Edge and I was able to pull out the longest tour to date! Today, I was able to run without stopping about 7.5 miles and walked about a quarter of the last mile for a total of 8 miles! The best part was that I did more than I ever knew I could… but the bad thing is that I took about the same time to finish as I did when I walked in the past. (maybe even more) I can’t begin to tell how frustrating that is, but it’s all about learning what your unique body can do… and I have to learn to be willing to try everything I need to in order to get the best time and also keep my body from falling apart.
So I pushed myself to 8 miles and mentally I feel amazing, but a day later I am one sore puppy! I’m faced withthe dilemma of listening to that nagging voice in my head telling me to force myself to “run and run and don’t give in to the pain”… or listening to my body… To tell you the truth I’m really hung up on running the entire race, but not if it makes my time longer! What should I do? Is it better to have run and walked… or to have run and never walked at all? It feels Nov 7th is coming at me like a freight train, and I have to be patient because NYC has NEVER felt so attainable… I have an amazing team behind me so I relinquish my control to them follow their advice and guidance and success is just down the road. Rome wasn’t built in a day, right? I am not even close to being Rome… haha so I know this could take a while!
PS! I’ll be a guest on a new web-series talk show called Voices of Reality on Friday July 2nd at 6:00 PM! Here’s the link to watch LIVE! Kasha Fauscett and I discuss food, fitness, Worst Cooks and the journey to NYC thus far!
Till then check out my latest cooking demo!
Quick, easy and delicious!
1/2 white onion
16oz of steak (any red meat or cut can work)
1/4 cup Olive Oil
1/4 tsp Garlic Salt (or to taste)
1/4 tsp Sage (or to taste)
1/4 tsp Thyme (or to taste)
Raja to taste (how hot do you want it?)
1/4 tsp Garlic Pepper (or to taste)
1 can of tomato sauce (12oz)
1 TBSP Tomato paste
4 TBSP Salsa
1 cup water
You’ll need a large pot and set heat to med-high, chop onion, chop or cube meat.
Take olive oil and pour in to warming pot.
Next take meat and begin to brown.
Add seasoning in order mentioned above.
Add onions make sure oils cover and then let sweat for approx 2 mins
Tomato sauce, then paste, salsa, then water, stir to make sure ingredients are evenly distributed.
Finally let “stew” for 5 mins, stir and serve!
Crackers and a cool drink complete this quick, healthy and flavorful dish!
When I was 10, my Grandparents took me to an all you can eat buffet called Sir George’s. I will never forget that day, because I learned a valuable lesson about moderation… on this day I ate so much I threw up! In a society where feeling good and instant gratification reigns supreme, and over indulgence is the norm I find myself torn. For me this has come in several different packages and situations…such as food, weight issues, and now with my training! I can’t stop thinking that I’m not doing enough. so I do a little more than I should. When that happens, I am punished with knee pain, exaughston and again I realize that too much of a good thing can be bad.
This was the second week that I have run with the training group Runner’s Edge and I was able to pull out the longest tour to date! Today, I was able to run without stopping about 7.5 miles and walked about a quarter of the last mile for a total of 8 miles! The best part was that I did more than I ever knew I could… but the bad thing is that I took about the same time to finish as I did when I walked in the past. (maybe even more) I can’t begin to tell how frustrating that is, but it’s all about learning what your unique body can do… and I have to learn to be willing to try everything I need to in order to get the best time and also keep my body from falling apart.
So I pushed myself to 8 miles and mentally I feel amazing, but a day later I am one sore puppy! I’m faced withthe dilemma of listening to that nagging voice in my head telling me to force myself to “run and run and don’t give in to the pain”… or listening to my body… To tell you the truth I’m really hung up on running the entire race, but not if it makes my time longer! What should I do? Is it better to have run and walked… or to have run and never walked at all? It feels Nov 7th is coming at me like a freight train, and I have to be patient because NYC has NEVER felt so attainable… I have an amazing team behind me so I relinquish my control to them follow their advice and guidance and success is just down the road. Rome wasn’t built in a day, right? I am not even close to being Rome… haha so I know this could take a while!
PS! I’ll be a guest on a new web-series talk show called Voices of Reality on Friday July 2nd at 6:00 PM! Here’s the link to watch LIVE! Kasha Fauscett and I discuss food, fitness, Worst Cooks and the journey to NYC thus far!
Till then check out my latest cooking demo!
Quick, easy and delicious!
1/2 white onion
16oz of steak (any red meat or cut can work)
1/4 cup Olive Oil
1/4 tsp Garlic Salt (or to taste)
1/4 tsp Sage (or to taste)
1/4 tsp Thyme (or to taste)
Raja to taste (how hot do you want it?)
1/4 tsp Garlic Pepper (or to taste)
1 can of tomato sauce (12oz)
1 TBSP Tomato paste
4 TBSP Salsa
1 cup water
You’ll need a large pot and set heat to med-high, chop onion, chop or cube meat.
Take olive oil and pour in to warming pot.
Next take meat and begin to brown.
Add seasoning in order mentioned above.
Add onions make sure oils cover and then let sweat for approx 2 mins
Tomato sauce, then paste, salsa, then water, stir to make sure ingredients are evenly distributed.
Finally let “stew” for 5 mins, stir and serve!
Crackers and a cool drink complete this quick, healthy and flavorful dish!
On the UPs
Sunday, June 20th, 2010
Today was an amazing Father’s day, and I would like to send out a THANK YOU to a man that has helped me to become the strong woman I am today. I’d like to thank my Daddy, Paul David Ayala. My Dad hasn’t always made my life easy… he’s made me work hard for successes in my youth in grades and in sports. The one thing I know about my Father, is that he’s always believed in me. When I wanted to do something he’s always been there to help me achieve my goals. Nowadays he’s stepped onto the sidelines and become more of a spectator, but the guidance that he’s provided to me in my life has helped me learn to have the courage to never give up. That’s why this journey will be a success… when you believe in me Daddy, I believe in myself.
This week all I have to tell you about are UPs. I am officially sponsored by Runner’s Roost, and they have hooked me up with Runner’s Edge of the Rockies! They are a runner’s group led by David Manthey a guy who who is a runner and dream a maker. I can’t tell you how amazing it feels to be following my dreams… my bliss… and my heart! The even cooler part is that people believe in me, so much so that they’re investing in me. I have everything I need for success on this journey and there’s no excuse for failure. NYC has NEVER looked so attainable.
I ran on Saturday and OMG! I completely surprised myself! I ran 6 miles in 1 hr and 26 mins… this included a little walking and also a bathroom break. When we clocked my miles, I shaved a whole minute off since the Bolder Boulder! I know it’s the hard work I’ve put in at the gym and working on my strength and conditioning. So currently my training schedule is: M-F Strength and conditioning for about an hour, running with this training team on Saturdays and on my own 2-3 other days a week 3-6 miles, and finally meeting with my mental training coach every other week.
I’ve decided my next race will be in CO Springs, its a woman’s series race called Zooma. I will run the 10K on July 17th 2010. After that I’m not sure… but I did decide to run the Rock N Roll Denver half Marathon in OCT and save my first total marathon for NYC! I would love to run an entire marathon before that, but I also don’t want to over do it. So I’m taking the backseat on the decision to just do a half and then go for the full 26.2 miles Nov 7th!
This is a special Sophia CHEATING GOOD recipe using Weight Watcher’s new low fat cream cheese, quick and easy for guests or the a snack for the family. I found the cheeses to rival my favorite spreadable cheeses and to know that they are LOW FAT, Come on! My fave if just snacking, is the Jalapeno on a water cracker… the cream cheese with anything and tastes amazing. I was thinking of chopping up some veggies and getting a garden veg blend going. The only one I wasn’t in love with was the Peppercorn Parmesan and that’s mainly because I’m not a huge pepper fan. But overall I will definitely buy these products again… they go right along with my healthier lifestyle and my motto of CHEATING GOOD.
1/4 of a small white onion
1 can Black Bean Chili (you can use your fave regular chili too but it’s cheating a little more)
1 pkg Weight Watcher’s low fat cream cheese
1 roll water crackers
Finely chop 1/4 of small white onion. (Size will vary to preference)
Take 1 can of black bean chili and heat for approx 35 seconds in the microwave. Next take the brick of cream cheese and lay it on a plate or platter. Pour warmed chili over the cheese and sprinkle the onion over the dish and arrange crackers and ENJOY!
It’s not about not eating your fav foods, it’s about making better and healthier choices! If you cheat GOOD when you cheat, than YOU are taking control of your lifestyle. It’s easy and it feels good! Now get out there and LIVE!
Thanks again to Schrieber Foods makers of Weight Watcher’s new line of LOW FAT CHEESES! for the allowing me to sample your tasty product! I’m sold!
Today was an amazing Father’s day, and I would like to send out a THANK YOU to a man that has helped me to become the strong woman I am today. I’d like to thank my Daddy, Paul David Ayala. My Dad hasn’t always made my life easy… he’s made me work hard for successes in my youth in grades and in sports. The one thing I know about my Father, is that he’s always believed in me. When I wanted to do something he’s always been there to help me achieve my goals. Nowadays he’s stepped onto the sidelines and become more of a spectator, but the guidance that he’s provided to me in my life has helped me learn to have the courage to never give up. That’s why this journey will be a success… when you believe in me Daddy, I believe in myself.
This week all I have to tell you about are UPs. I am officially sponsored by Runner’s Roost, and they have hooked me up with Runner’s Edge of the Rockies! They are a runner’s group led by David Manthey a guy who who is a runner and dream a maker. I can’t tell you how amazing it feels to be following my dreams… my bliss… and my heart! The even cooler part is that people believe in me, so much so that they’re investing in me. I have everything I need for success on this journey and there’s no excuse for failure. NYC has NEVER looked so attainable.
I ran on Saturday and OMG! I completely surprised myself! I ran 6 miles in 1 hr and 26 mins… this included a little walking and also a bathroom break. When we clocked my miles, I shaved a whole minute off since the Bolder Boulder! I know it’s the hard work I’ve put in at the gym and working on my strength and conditioning. So currently my training schedule is: M-F Strength and conditioning for about an hour, running with this training team on Saturdays and on my own 2-3 other days a week 3-6 miles, and finally meeting with my mental training coach every other week.
I’ve decided my next race will be in CO Springs, its a woman’s series race called Zooma. I will run the 10K on July 17th 2010. After that I’m not sure… but I did decide to run the Rock N Roll Denver half Marathon in OCT and save my first total marathon for NYC! I would love to run an entire marathon before that, but I also don’t want to over do it. So I’m taking the backseat on the decision to just do a half and then go for the full 26.2 miles Nov 7th!
This is a special Sophia CHEATING GOOD recipe using Weight Watcher’s new low fat cream cheese, quick and easy for guests or the a snack for the family. I found the cheeses to rival my favorite spreadable cheeses and to know that they are LOW FAT, Come on! My fave if just snacking, is the Jalapeno on a water cracker… the cream cheese with anything and tastes amazing. I was thinking of chopping up some veggies and getting a garden veg blend going. The only one I wasn’t in love with was the Peppercorn Parmesan and that’s mainly because I’m not a huge pepper fan. But overall I will definitely buy these products again… they go right along with my healthier lifestyle and my motto of CHEATING GOOD.
1/4 of a small white onion
1 can Black Bean Chili (you can use your fave regular chili too but it’s cheating a little more)
1 pkg Weight Watcher’s low fat cream cheese
1 roll water crackers
Finely chop 1/4 of small white onion. (Size will vary to preference)
Take 1 can of black bean chili and heat for approx 35 seconds in the microwave. Next take the brick of cream cheese and lay it on a plate or platter. Pour warmed chili over the cheese and sprinkle the onion over the dish and arrange crackers and ENJOY!
It’s not about not eating your fav foods, it’s about making better and healthier choices! If you cheat GOOD when you cheat, than YOU are taking control of your lifestyle. It’s easy and it feels good! Now get out there and LIVE!
Thanks again to Schrieber Foods makers of Weight Watcher’s new line of LOW FAT CHEESES! for the allowing me to sample your tasty product! I’m sold!
Monday, June 14, 2010
HEY!! Just wanted to say THANK YOU TO:
Julianne Tillis
Kimberly Pruitt
It's cool to know somebody is reading these! lol Not just sending them out in to the abyss:) I appreciate that you took the time to check out my rants.
Julianne Tillis
Kimberly Pruitt
It's cool to know somebody is reading these! lol Not just sending them out in to the abyss:) I appreciate that you took the time to check out my rants.
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