I was on a roll… chopping away and completely dominating those veggies and the cutting board. Then all of a sudden I felt a jerk and I said ”Ouch” but there was no pain. I looked down and… OMGOODNESS! That was my finger!
Since I’m an optimist I chose to look at the following situation as:
1. Whew! Good thing my knife was sharp, it’s a clean cut.
2. Glad the kids are napping and didn’t see this.
3. Initiation for cooking 1o1 complete!

I am THRILLED to announce that I am officially member of TEAM FOR KIDS and I have started my fundraising efforts. Hopefully I can raise the minimum $2620.00 USD before Oct 8th! [click here to donate] It feels like it’s so far away, but I know that it will be here before I know it! I’m also excited to update you on sponsorship with the BornFit… They’ve agreed to donate running apparel for training and running events on my journey to NYC! I am so thankful to have so many amazing and inspiring women supporting me, Hybridmom.com included.
I’m watching SNL tonight with Betty White… Isn’t she inspiring? She put out in to the universe that she wanted to do the show, and TONIGHT! she’s living the dream! The song “Empire State of Mind” is being performed right now. I don’t listen to a lot of rap, but this song hits me so hard because NYC is where I found myself again. It was during the taping of Worst Cooks where I, came back to life. I remember looking over the city from this amazing pent house view being completely inspired by its grandeur. They say if you can make it there you can make it anywhere… and I can’t tell you how true that has proved to be! That’s why I’ve chosen the NYC Marathon… it reminds me of this extraordinary experience where I knew my life would change forever. I didn’t know how I would be changed until I got home… but I am different. I will never be the same. NYC is where Sophia, got her groove back!PS!- check out my youtube page to see a short clip with a montage of my ”healthier me” progress leading up to now, and subscribe and stay tunned for cooking demos and videos documenting running events and training for NY!
Kate’s Chocolate Cake
15 servings
Cake Ingredients:
1/3 cup Grape Seed Oil
1 ¾ hot water
2 oz unsweetened baker’s chocolate
1 ½ cup organic unbleached white flour
½ cup organic whole wheat flour
½ cup brown sugar
1 cup natural sugar
½ cup organic apple juice
1 tsp vanilla
1/3 cup fat free yogurt or low fat butter cream
2 extra large eggs
1 tsp baking powder
Frosting Ingredients:
2 oz unsweetened baking chocolate
¼ cup of skim milk
1/3 cup of semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 tsp of vanilla
1 cup powder sugar
Preparation and cooking instructions
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees and grease/flour bundt cake pan
In a bowl combine white flour, whole wheat flour, brown sugar and natural sugar and set aside. In another bowl combine chocolate, grape seed oil and hot water, then take these and microwave for no more than 1 minute and mix well until chocolate is dissolved. Then take hot mix and combine in to the bowl containing dry ingredients and mix well making sure there are no lumps. Next add apple juice, vanilla, fat free yogurt or butter milk, and eggs. Again mix well and then sprinkle baking soda and beat well using a wire whisk. Pour in to bundt cake pan and cook for approx 35-40 mins. (Cake is done when the batter is formed but still sticks slightly to the knife) Let cool for 10-15 mins before turning on to plate. Let rest another 5-10 minutes before applying frosting.
For the frosting take unsweetened baker’s chocolate and heat in microwave for no more than 1 min. Then add semi-sweet chocolate chips and stir until smooth. Add milk and vanilla and stir again till smooth. Last add powder sugar to taste (approx ¾ cup is where I like it) stir till smooth and then spread! The cake is supposed to be moist. It’s delicious! Just don’t expect the all the sugar you get in the average cake, remember it’s a healthier lower fat version… it’s CHEATING GOOD!
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