I looked up what this could mean and I found out that it symbolizes disconnection from head and heart. The gun shot signifies struggle with emotions... haha it's so right on! I've been dealing with some TOTALLY un-needed drama with school... ART class of all things. I can't believe that the class that was supposed to save me, was apart of the plan to tear me down. OKay, there wasn't a plan, but I just never expected it. It's such a long story I don't want to go in to it, but what I do want to say is that I am glad that it's over and I am MORE than ready to move forward with my life and it's completely soured my passion for studio art! HA

I'm excited to tell you, that tomorrow I will be staging at FRUITION in down town Denver on Monday. If you don't know what staging means, it's when you work with chef or restaurant to learn new techniques and cuisine. FRUITION is owned by chef Alex Seidel and he is a young guy who really has it put together. I loved his attitude, he's not about fame or fortuen, he's just about the food. He was completely open to give me the opportunity to learn, as long as I was willing to step up and take it! So, I am! I will have my first day of staging on Monday! With hopefully more days to come!
Working out with Jamie Atlas has been going well, he's such sincerely genuine person. I am so thankful that I met him. My friend Nichol has come with me this last week, and it was fun! I had fun seeing where I was in comparison to another person that I wasn't intimidated by. Nichol is really nice and was a great support! So, I just have to keep on the ball, cause Jan 3rd is coming up quick!

Thanks for reading:)
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