Saturday, July 3, 2010

Love Love Love… All You Need Is Love!

Saturday, July 3rd, 2010
My heart pounding, my head is throbbing, my body is tingling and my legs are pounding the pavement…I’m in a rhythm that I can’t stop, even if I wanted to… step step step breath… step step step breath… a slow song starts to play on my ipod and I look up. The sun is just stating to blaze, it’s warm and the light is almost golden… all around me are little floating cotton wood clusters and for just a second I wonder if I’m in heaven. I have to shake my head and look down at my watch to shock me back in to reality… I’ve been running for 2 hours and 40 minutes… I’ve almost completed 9 miles, my longest distance to date!

Today I pushed myself farther than I’ve ever pushed myself before. Immediately after the run I could barely walk, lol let alone stand up. I never thought I’d get used to that feeling of complete exhaustion and I’ve NEVER felt this type of “hurts so good” pain, but it’s addicting! They say runners have to be a little crazy to want to push their bodies to it’s limits just to know that they can…I get it now. I’m not the fastest by any stretch of the imagination, but I have had more self confidence growth in these short months of training than I’ve had in my entire life!

Each run I am trapped in my own head for over 2 hours. I am forced to compartmentalize my thoughts and to let my mind wonder. I’ve had a stressful week and during this time it’s only me I have to worry about. Sometimes it’s hard to get to that place of nirvana but when you get there… it’s like walking through a dream! I visualize the crowds cheering me on in NYC, what the streets will look like as I trek though times square and over the Brooklyn bridge… and through Central Park. I think about all the people that have been so supportive on this journey and am so filled with passion and love I get bursts of energy and before I know it I’ve traveled a few more miles. I have never been good at individual sports, but now I see why. I wasn’t a good individual… I didn’t like who I was. Now I enjoy the time I get to be me… no interruptions, just music! Today I was feeling all the love and just as perfect as a soundtrack of my life, the Beatles All You Need is Love came on and I almost started to cry. Needless to say, I was totally feelin it.

Thank you, to each and every person who has helped me to reach this point. I could never be here with out you. If LOVE is all you need, then I can never fail… you know who you are… and I LOVE YOU right back:)

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